Thursday, January 30, 2020

Organisational Citizenship Behaviour and Counterproductive Work Behaviour Essay Example for Free

Organisational Citizenship Behaviour and Counterproductive Work Behaviour Essay Organisational behaviour is the study of human behaviour in the workplace, the interaction between people and the organisation, and organisation itself (Dubrin 2002, p. 2). In most of the organisational behaviour literature review, the following five types of behaviours are often highlighted- task performance, organisational citizenship, counterproductive work behaviours, joining and staying with the organisation and work attendance (McShane, Olekalns Travaglione, 2009). These individual-level dependent variables are present in most OB research which has a significant impact on the effectiveness of organisations. In my following essay, I will be highlighting on two of the above factors-mainly Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) and Counterproductive Work Behaviour (CWB). I will be discussing on how various authors agree that different personalities and positive affectivity levels contributes to the emergence of OCB and that how different authors view the stand of considering all OCB as voluntary acts based on own accord. In addition, I will also be discussing the issue in which a consensus has been reached by most authors that job dissatisfaction is one contributing factor of CWB and that CWB, being defined as harmful in nature, has been challenged by some authors to be a justifiable act. OCB Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) has been defined as individual behavior that is discretionary, not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and that in the aggregate promotes the effective functioning of the organization (Organ, cited in Vigoda-Gadot, 2006, p. 3) or as individual behavior that promotes the goals of the organization by contributing to its social and psychological environment (Organ; Rotundo Sackett, cited in Vigoda-Gadot, 2006, p. 3). Personality and Positive Affectivity Personality refers to the enduring, inner characteristics of individuals that organise their behaviour (Derlega et al, cited in Rothmann Cooper, 2008, p. 24) and personality traits predict what a person will do as opposed to what he or she can do (Rothmann Cooper 2008, p. 24). As such, it is agreed that citizenship performance is well predicted by personality variables (Penner, Allen, Motowidlo, 2001; Hurtz Donovan, cited in Barrick Ryan 2003). It is also stated that differences in citizenship performance by the employees are clearly tied to the differences in their personalities and attitudes (Landy Conte 2004) and feelings about their work, also known as affects (Lee Allen 2002). I came across this survey done by (Bierhoff, Klein Kramp, ed. Murphy 1996) in which ‘first aiders’ who rushed to the aid of the accident victims almost immediately scored lower on a measure of egocentrism- the absorption with one self’s lives and family. They also scored higher on a measure of empathy in which they expressed a greater level of concern for others (ed. Murphy 1996). From the above results, I feel that various personality factors do influence the tendency of one to render help to others thereby performing citizenship performance which benefits the organisation as a whole. In addition to the above, I have learnt that the higher the level of positive affect, the higher the level of willingness to help is in individuals (ed. Murphy 1996). Besides the helping behaviour, I have also learnt that maintaining a positive mood in the course of our work may also inadvertently lead us to performing extra role behaviours (e.g.: protecting the organisation and developing oneself in terms of upgrading one’s skills to the benefit of the organisation) (George and Brief, cited in Lee Allen, 2002). To my surprise, I found that positive affect is not just influenced on a personal level but also due to external environmental factors. These include the differences in shades of lightings at our workplaces (Baron et al, cited in ed. Murphy 1996) and even presence of pleasant smelling artificial fragrances in our workplaces (Baron Bronfen 1994, cited in ed. Murphy 1996). Performed based on free will? Most of the recent studies and researches on OCB have pointed out that it is based on voluntary helping behaviours. However, (Vigoda-Gadot E 2006, p. 1 ) pointed out on focusing on the exploitative and abusive tendency of supervisors and managements to impose so-called ‘‘voluntary’’ or ‘‘extra-role† activities via compulsory mechanisms in the workplace, thereby refuting the conventional definition of OCB being performed based on ‘good will’ and free choice. In fact, some of these behaviours categorised under OCB may well be categorised under Compulsory Citizenship Behavior (CCB) (Vigoda-Gadot 2006, p. 1). By reviewing the Expectancy Theory (Griffin Ebert 2005, p. 246) in which people are motivated to work towards rewards that they want and that they believe they have a reasonable chance or expectancy of obtaining it in mind, I have actually agreed with the view that there is much possibility that OCB can also arise from other motives, some of them less voluntary or less self-initiated. Among these motivations are the abusive and exploitative behavior of immediate supervisors and the pressure by management or peers to become involved in activities in which the employee would otherwise not involve himself (Tepper, cited in Vigoda-Gadot 2006, p. 3). CWB Counterproductive Work Behaviours (CWB) is defined as voluntary behaviours that have the potential to directly or indirectly harm the organisation (McShane, Olekalns Travaglione T, 2009, p. 18). Job Dissatisfaction Job dissatisfaction is defined as a set of unfavourable feelings and emotions with which employees view their work (Newstrom Davis 1997, p. 255). It seems that authors have a consensus on job dissatisfaction contributing to the emergence and high levels of CWB. It is stated that dissatisfied employees may engage in psychological withdrawal (e.g.: daydreaming during job), physical withdrawal (eg: unauthorized absence, early departures, extended breaks, work slowdowns) or even overt acts of aggression and retaliation for presumed wrong. There are many factors influencing job dissatisfaction which includes organisational factors like pay and promotion opportunities and the working condition itself. Group factors like the role of supervisor and co-workers; personal factors like needs and aspiration and how are these met, and how individuals views he instrumental benefits of the job also contributes to job dissatisfaction( Rothmann Cooper 2008, p. 24). Though I am in agreement that job dissatisfaction is a strong contributor to the performance of CWB, I feel that CWB may also be induced by other factors like accumulated work stress leading to the emergence of violence which is one form of CWB. Similarly, theft cases in the company, which is another form of CWB, may just be a personal justification of the employees due to a perception of lost equity in the course of their work (Newstrom Davis 1997). Justifiable Act Various authors held on to their individual stands regarding the topic on CWB. In most of my readings, authors agreed that CWB are actually harmful acts towards either individuals or towards the organisation itself. However, (Fox 2002) had presented a different point of view discussing the view that CWB may could well be a justifiable act which is clearly challenging the most conventional definition of CWB which is being negative in nature. (Fox 2002, p. 2) expanded the definition of CWB to include unintentional harm, as long as the act itself is volitional- an act which is motivated by other reasons to cause harm. Hence with this expanded definition, it raises the possibility of constructive CWB. In their article, they have considered on 3 categories of arguments which are moral issues, role conflicts and productivity arguments. I personally feel strongly for the argument on role conflicts. Many of the withdrawal behaviours may be seen as counterproductive in the perspective of managers or even organisations. However, these behaviours shown may be required to be fulfilled by the employees in the perspectives of their family and even the community. Putting in simpler terms, employees may be expected by the society to perform these behaviours so as to be able to strike a work-life balance. Hence, I feel that CWB should not be seen as just a negative behaviour which is purely deviant from an organisation’s objectives as I strongly feel for the presence of positive CWB. Key Findings In this modern age, to adapt and survive in a workplace, other than equipping oneself with the generic skill of problem solving, it is also vital to place great importance on understanding fellow colleagues as this will lead to self knowledge and self insight (Dubrin 2002, p. 4). By understanding what motivates others to perform OCB through the study of organisational behaviour, it will also in turn allow employees to gain an understanding on what motivates them to have similar behaviours. Inadvertently, this may bring them to a greater level of job satisfaction which also leads to greater organisational effectiveness as a whole. In addition, studying organisational behaviours enhances a professional or manager’s effectiveness relating to their interpersonal skills. Hence, if solid interpersonal skills are added on to one’s professional or managerial knowledge, it will certainly be a bonus towards an organisation’s overall service and productivity. Hence, information about organisational behaviours is vital to be known to the employees in organisations. Reflection If I were given a chance to assume the role of manager in an organisation, the notion of having OCB being induced by compulsion as mentioned earlier on will certainly be omitted by me as I feel that though it is an important goal of managers everywhere to make employees aware of the benefits of OCB and ideally, encourage it, it is far more important to conduct it through a legitimate way and not by other means such as abusive or exploitative activities. In this way, I believe conventional OCB will indeed be truly promoted as the employees will be serving and going the extra mile for the organisation in the most genuine way as I agree with the view that a person who engages in OCB might receive appreciation and recognition that induce positive moods and there will be a greater likelihood of repeating the OCB (Miles et al, cited in Zirgham 2009, p. 85) which will greatly benefit the organisation. A discrepancy often exists among managers and employees about the definition of certain work tasks being â€Å"in-role† or â€Å"extra-role†. Each behaviour may be different for different people as every employee in an organization perceives job requirements differently (e.g.: for service sectors), helping others may be a routine, but some may see it as beyond their job scope. By acknowledging this in the position of an employee, I will be able to anticipate this possible occurrence of conflict between managers and employees and thus, expand the boundaries for the definition of my job scope. In this way, I believe that my chances of managerial exploitation and workplace abuse by supervisors to perform compulsive OCB will be reduced to the minimum. Conclusion OCB is a stable behaviour emerging in workplaces and it will always act as a value adding criterion in one’s performance. However, it will only act as a value adding criterion only when it is performed through the free choice of employees and not by coercion means and negative external pressures. Thus, we have to be aware and alert so as to preserve the original positive results of OCB being performed, leading to a more successful and healthy establishment of an organisation. CWB is always seen as a conduct having an adverse relationship with OCB. However, as the saying goes- there are always two sides to the same coin; we should probably broaden our perspectives in our view towards CWB and accept the notion that CWB may not be necessary all detrimental in nature.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Influences on Soil Nitrogen Mineralization: Implications for Soil Resto

Influences on Soil Nitrogen Mineralization: Implications for Soil Restoration and Revegetation Introduction Nitrogen is a macronutrient essential to the growth of plants and is also one of the most deficient nutrients in most soils. Insufficient levels of available soil nitrogen limit microbial growth and decay and growth of the plants themselves. Because site disturbance adversely affects the flow of nitrogen through soil-plant-microbial systems, the re-establishment of the cycle of nitrogen flow in the soil is crucial to revegetation attempts. Mineralizable nitrogen--nitrogen in forms readily usable by plants--is dependent upon a number of factors. According to Stanford and Smith (1972), those factors include soil moisture, pH level, temperature, microbial biomass, and amounts of other nutrients. Three of the more significant and interrelated influences--microbial biomass, temperature, and moisture--are discussed here. This is certainly not an exhaustive list of factors influencing soil nitrogen mineralization, but instead, a general overview of the more significant considerations. Microbial Processes Microbial decay of organic material is the main release process of soil nitrogen. Nitrogen is released from microbial decay in the form of ammonium, but can also be immobilized by microbes which take up nitrate and ammonium to satisfy their own requirements. The mobilization or immobilization of nitrogen is dependent upon the amount of N the decomposing material itself provides; insufficient nitrogen released from decaying organic matter will result in the absorption of ammonium and nitrate by the microbes. An excess of N will satisfy the requirements of the microbes and provide a surplus to be released into the soil... ...6-100. Campbell, C.A., V.O. Biederbeck, and F.G. Warder. 1971. Influence of simulated fall and spring conditions on the soil system: Effect on soil nitrogen. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 35:480-483. Cassman, K.G., and D.N. Munns. 1980. Nitrogen mineralization as affected by soil moisture, temperature, and depth. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 44:1233-1237. Myrold, David D. 1987. Relationship between microbial biomass nitrogen and a nitrogen availability index. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 51:1047-1049. Powers, Robert F. 1980. Mineralizable soil nitrogen as an index of nitrogen availability to forest trees. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 44:1314-1320. Singer, Michael J. and Donald N. Munns, 1986, Soils: An Introduction: New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 480 p. Stanford, George and S.J. Smith. 1972. Nitrogen mineralization potentials of soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 36:465-472.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Ethics of Business or Ethics for Business? Two Models for Teaching Business Ethics Essay

Business management Introduction                   The art of managing a business, means coordinating the various efforts of the staff with the aim of accomplishing goals and the set objectives with the aid of available resources effectively and efficiently. Business management generally comprise of organization, planning, leading, staffing, and controlling organization activities to achieve the prospected goal. Many organizations are viewed as systems. It therefore dictates that management is a human action, which includes designing, facilitating the production of important outcomes from the system. This then present a picture people being able to manage themselves is a prerequisite in trying to manage other people (Ananthan, Appannaiah, & Reddy, 2010).                   Theoretically, business management includes manipulating of human capital in an enterprise to enhance the business success. An enterprise must therefore include humans, positive communication, and endeavors that are positive (Ananthan, Appannaiah, & Reddy, 2010). Other factors such as psychological motivational tools, plans, goals, measurements, and economic measures at times can or cannot be important components of business management. Critical business functions                   In the current tumultuous business world economy, enterprises must adjust to fit.. It is necessary for the business to be aggressive in finding means of remaining competitive in the current economy of the world. One of the critical things to do is to restructure its functionality mode (Sen, 2008). Many times some of the enterprises that try this are faced with failure due to existence of stumbling blocks. Therefore, it is worth for the business to come up with well structured plan to go through these radical changes. The best way of doing this is by fully including their staff prior to and after making a decision that impacts change in the operation of the business (Ananthan, Appannaiah, & Reddy, 2010).                   Companies that are willing to understand some of inextricable that might occur within the time of preparing the workers to welcome the new changes and the effective and efficient new initiatives implementation, then, are likely to notice that their efforts make an extra mile. Through careful planning and top leaders’ support will help the workforce to adjust to the changes- therefore the business will hence remain at its competitive edge (Sen, 2008). Individuals and systems integration for effectiveness in an organization                   In the dynamic technological advancement, any business corporations need to be in line with the ever changing business operation systems. Aggressively, all the individuals are supposed to accept the role played by these systems. The most crucial system is that of passing information, all the workers are deemed to be aware with any new implementation at any particular point. Communication keeps the business running, internally; the workforce will be flexible if and only if, the information passed is clear. Externally; information coming will enhance the enterprise to be aware of the competition level of their competitors and then adjust appropriately. Effective integrations will subdue the full utilizations of the employee’s abilities (Sen, 2008) The ethical and social responsibilities bestowed on a business                   In terms of ethical issues the business is faced with great challenge of remaining a loft with its initial target of servicing their prospected customers. Some of the ethical issues are quality service and quality productions. Any business that has been in the market for long and their service and goods have gained a brand, should not start lowering the quality and quantity of service and goods production. They also need to run their business in relation to the demand of the general public and the requirement the state (Kwarci, 2012).                   Socially, businesses have the responsibility of playing a great partnership with the state and the general public at large. They need to be part and parcel of the major operations of the society in such a way that take part of society development. Environmental protection is also their great responsibility in ensuring its prosperity. In regard to the state, business need to be aware of the need to pay taxes in advance to avoid being in conflict with the state (Kwarci, 2012). The aspects of business management                   The following will be some of the very crucial aspects that any business manager ought to be equipped with to facilitate the process of business management. Human resources, is one of the most crucial aspects of any business. It involves looking after the well being of your staff, it is the staff that determines your way as business. Another aspect is that of marketing, sales and promotion. Once the products and services have been produced, it is the responsibility of the sales marketing department. A well strategized plan from this department will see the business go up in the total sales (Ananthan, Appannaiah, & Reddy, 2010).                   These aspects are very crucial because they really give out the clear picture of the business from within and outside business environment. In conclusion, they help the enterprise to furnish their business outlook before the eyes of the customer and very importantly to those of their competitors. References Ananthan, B. R., Appannaiah, H. R., & Reddy, P. N. (2010). Business management (Rev. Ed.) Mumbai [India: Himalaya Pub. House. KwarciÅ„ski, T. (2012). Ethics of Business or Ethics for Business? Two Models for Teaching Business Ethics. Management and Business Administration. Central Europe, 3(116), 42-49. Sen, M. (2008). Business management. Jaipur, India: Oxford Book Co Source document

Monday, January 6, 2020

Authentic Assessment Of A Natural Environment ( Caregiver,...

Introduction Upon analyzing, and synthesizing two scholarly articles to facilitate this writer with a better understanding of authentic assessment, scenarios and examples were provided as evidence on the impact and importance of authentic assessment in a natural environment (caregiver, home or school). Both articles revealed the authors’ purpose and perspective that authentic assessment provides a representation of students’ strengths and weakness along with opportunities for them to associate and link this learning to life experiences. Similarities and Contrast Bergen (1993) and Dennis, Rueter, Simpson (2013) both shared similarities that authentic assessment is performance based, and addresses how it relates to their belief that it provides numerous opportunities for students to show mastery of content. This manifested when Bergen (1993) shared a story of her earliest association with authentic assessment: I still remember my first authentic performance assessment, although it occurred many years ago. My task was to play the xylophone (even a small solo part!) with the kindergarten rhythm band at the mid-year parent meeting. Until this day, I can remember the simple score of the song we played and can even perform it whenever I encounter a xylophone. I cannot speak for the other members of my class, but I would not doubt that some of them remember how they played the bells, the tambourines or the drums and how our performance made us the hit of the meeting! In orderShow MoreRelatedAuthentic Assessment Of A Natural Environment ( Caregiver, Home Or School )1355 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Two scholarly articles were analyzed and synthesized to facilitate this writer with an understanding of authentic assessment. 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Similarities and Contrast Bergen (1993) and Dennis, Rueter, Simpson (2013) both shared similarities that authentic assessment is performance based, and addresses how it relates to their belief that it provides†¦show more content†¦The contribution of every member was important and a complexity of different roles existed within the group. Also, it was a real event in which our performance counted. (p.100) At this point, Bergen presented an opportunity where a child could be appraised while unveiling multiple competencies, thus sanctioning additional opportunities to exhibit mastery. Bergen (1993) states, â€Å"because authentic assessment is complex and requires more time...teachers may feel that they cannot practically accomplish these activities† (101). In contrast, Dennis, Rueter, Simpson (2013) validate authentic assessment with a case-study of a child transitioning from Early Childhood Intervention Services into public school. This exemplifies the intricacies required for progress monitoring by using methods of authentic assessments i.e. interviews, observations (running records, anecdotal records, ABC Analysis) portfolios and a performance-based assessment to confirm that this process not only identifies delays, but â€Å"...provide a basis from which the teacher can design a targeted strategy for a child or group of children† (p.191). As a result, a plan was developed to help the case-study learner transition into his/her new setting. Reliability and Accuracy Applicability of Cited Sources Bergen